According to Cointelegraph's disclosure on the X platform, people close to Ledger founder Eric Larcheveque responded to the kidnapping rumors, saying that he is currently safe. According to relevant information, Gregory Raymond, whose X account is authenticated as The Big Whale, wrote that Eric Larcheveque was not involved in the kidnapping rumors about him, and he cautioned against the information that has been released, because it may threaten the ongoing investigation in France, and may even ...
据 Cointelegraph 在 X 平台披露信息称,与 Ledger 创始人Eric Larcheveque关系密切人士回应绑架传闻,称其目前人身安全。 相关信息显示,X 账户认证为 The Big Whale 联创的 Gregory Raymond 发文称,Eric Larcheveque没有涉及有关他的绑架传闻,同时他提醒谨慎对待已发布的信息,因为这些信息可能会威胁法国正在进行的调查,甚至可能威胁他人的生命。 此前消息,有媒体披露加密硬件钱包 Ledg...